Monday, January 07, 2013


not quite sure how you did it, but i threw myself
into another hot mess real quick. i guess going back
to your cold one is comparable,so i'll just go widdat.

   so many photons knocking
 so many holes into a prefrontal canvas.
i had a fever this week, but the pictures

 are still burnt in differing shades ,mostly blue.
i should understand by now that means heartache
but that's the shell i want to collect.

your voice on this machine is brown
like you never gave up daydream warmth
for  machine gunned sex but i'm

probably delusional.  anyway, it added water
to my pool for thirsty gods.  after three days
the fire burns lower, i waken earlier to stoke it

but there's no bacon . i think the most
i can hope for is cold pizza. thats good
i am weary of burning my tongue.


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