Monday, September 12, 2011


the princess sees her peas
on the floor, slips on a glass shoe
saunters out the sliding doors

how many sheets did you wash today
cinder darling how many dirty diapers
did you change?   wicked  mommy dearest
dries dinner dishes and counts the days
till school is out. wicked mommy dearest

pulls pillows and blankets from the dryer
loads cinder's scrubs, turns the heat on high
to rid golden locks of lice from cinder's hearth
to shine the girl school  bright for the prince

awaiting the dance, only  the dance.
wicken mommy dearest picks up peas
and rice, lets the dog out, folds another basket full.
ah yes. she remembers how to fold.

but this time, she's set a curfew. when the clock
strikes twelve, cinder will be freed from her spell
and wicket mommy dearest can breathe in her own
house again, a slovenly keeper of very small messes
all of her own making.