Thursday, February 04, 2010

shit, can't think of a title.

late for work again
i hope this sciatica
lesson works since nothing
much else does.

the pain runs down my leg
whenever i shift the clutch
higher , lower, a gear change
is agony. ibuprofen is my
best friend now.

makes it hard to metaphor things
pain is pain is pain. i'm beginning
to understand old age in a new way.

just keep slogging until the black comes.
also, if i keep my legs elevated, like
when i write? no pain.

see? i'm SPOSED
to be a writer. even
my body knows

amy comes from your room
and it makes me wonder
what messages you send yourself.

 i remember when we were grooving
on elton, you in maryland, me in the class
behind you. how many women did you
pass through, staying a while, longer.

eh, i'm really to the point of
wonder under a bullet in my hip.

and it's time to get ready for work now.


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