Sunday, January 17, 2010

last of the time wars

you say there is no such
thing as time, there is only now.
 exasperated, i throw a daisy
into the air. it falls, slave
to gravity. you say love isn't mortal

so i wanna know, how did yours die
like that?  you retrieve   the daisy
from the floor, ask me where love goes
if it dies, take a bite of yellow
and swallow. i say it doesn't go

anywhere, just sometimes we can see
it cuz the conditions are right-- 
auroras in the night sky, when
the elements which are available
 align  in the right place at the right

 time. but since time is a construct
 and has no reality we only need now
to hold   auroras in our memory, like
 this photograph in black and white
 when you were younger, just

a gleam in your daddy's eye,   you were
on your way to here, to now, riding lust
and desire into this plane of existence
in order to  conjure love out of magnetism
and bits of stardust one more time


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