Steinbeck in the 21st century
Like many millennials my daughter struggles to maintain a semblance of Independence. She is not. After 2 years of throwing money at her relationship with baby daddy number 2 I have been forced to let her move back in to the wonderful family trailer abode. And like all trailers the walls are an anorexic on a four-year binge. You can almost see through them. And it has been stressful because she tends to be defensive due to once again having to ask for help. Things didn't work out like she planned with baby daddy number two and now maybe daddy number two has baby number eight on the way. I mean can this kid anymore obvious? I have offers her germination but she does not want to do that and that's jeopardizes the future of her whole family. But when I look at where I live I say go for it dude. I love that I don't see why okay what I was trying to say was her choice of baby daddies does not allow for her chosen profession of stay-at-home mom and sit on my ass. Well I certainly hope that she is serious about getting a job but if she can't even walk the half block to the park with children I do not understand how she thinks she's going to get any kind of job. She has become morbidly obese and it frightens me. And of course if I say anything that I'm fat shaming epic girls. But the truth is she is not healthy and she has two children and she is pregnant with ano inther and well I just can't condone any of this. And I certainly believe less. So my phone is going to die so I need to turn it off see if I can take a nap and get a few hours sleep.
At least you all are still talking. Not even talking to my daughter. . I feel like we should do one of those group blogs.. but I don't have a laptop anymore and stuff like that seems tedious on this small device. Like, I would post on one but don't want to be an administrator. Do you know what I mean?
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