Thursday, August 24, 2017

quinine sulfate is the standard for florescence

constantine is the daily crawler
daily caller with the gossip and the goods
on admin's shenanigans: the president
it seems didn't want the job though he took it
hoping to step down when the one he craved
opened up.meanwhile the intern disappeared but we think
he's just fed up with photolysis at ten bux an hour.-
when you're from a country made of landslides
you tend to want the quick cash now
and since prof's money ran out  no one
will work for him
says i gotta lotta reasons to hate myself. but
for your birthday i'ma give you the gift of
quitting smoking cuz nothing says
i love you like a junkie in withdrawal.


Blogger Hector the Crow said...

lol - it's the gift that sucks for a while

8:12 AM  

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