Tuesday, October 30, 2012

you don't forget your roommate when your'e in a secret cia space program on mars

delusions are funny 
from the outside

i mean we can all clearly see
that your stab at a flll in your blank dream
can't be taken seriously
when you're painted into that corner.

the brush is full of termites
the can was empty when you got it
yet there you stand, back straight,
feet tucked, stomach tight, stuck because
you don't want non essential paint on your shoes.

you can see it. you can see us
getting that stuff on our shoes
and it looks a lot like blood
from a halloween tube you filled 

yourself. because you saw him again.
even though you'd trained yourself 
or they had
to not. ever. see him. again.

 when you did, all the careful
patches you'd sewn unravelled
 it was back to the two of you against
growing up, apart, depart, dearly decapitated

those memories. cut off at the head, so dead.
but you know. and he knows. you just don't forget. 


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