Thursday, October 04, 2012

the raggedy's resurface in tampa

she was the darling of orphans and suburban
girls who dreamed of being orphans
and he was her twin brother. their brand
of  1930's homespun cinnamon
 haired sailor, carrot top baker
topped barbie's longevity . advemturous
and  spunky they were the red headed
stepchildren, the hanzle and gretel of america.
 orphans with cool striped legs

i don't know what happened between them
perhaps it was losing the hat, the bald spot
that appeared late in life, or the way she wore
nothing over her striped leggings  displayed
all these years after their heyday.

 i guess by ninety eight you must have seen
everything at least a couple dozen times or maybe
the thought of trying to survive yet another baby
girl who wanted to be their mommy dearest was
just too much at their advanced age, candy heart or not
maybe it was the rash of news stories about mommies
killing their kids still it surprised me . to find

ann   face down; andy,  face up
and the weapon,
 an empty  sample size bottle of tylenol
lying on my bathroom  floor between them
ending their adventure here as
just another murder suicide pact


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