Thursday, April 30, 2009

tricket for an aeroplane

I know that a call to arms can stir the souls of men and women more than a call to lay them down. But that is why the voices for peace and progress must be raised together --

voice of the empire
in prauge

we argue over the ways to progress
and i'm rather piqued at your waffling on prosecution
of torturers and what constitutes criminal activity
when no one's
above the law a

but you're making eyes
at the nuclear, excuse
moi, nukular industry and maybe i can rationalize
a bit of gladhanding, a touch of love ya man
but we still don't know what to do with the poisons
besides make more weaponry or maybe
send it to china to be recycled into flatware for the empire.
to compromise on some things is to make a man
three quarters of a man. now maybe i'm
being harsh, believing sound bits
and gossiping foxes, i know this job
is tough but come on mr smith
the only thing you got is your principles
and if those are compromised
swine flu might be the only
thing to save your legacy,
just go ask that bush that's burning
way down in texas.

but i guess that's not fair
since the weaponry's there
someone must watch the armory
and the amory's guards. so
that thorny problem is intricately indicated
in the blastoma of frission. we can't
just put it down like

when have we ever put something down?

i am often surprised when reality
interferes with my idealism. it's a sort of falling
thru cumulonimbus onto a hot air ballon
then riding that in for a soft landing
to the bottom of the grand canyon where
sunset is chiseled in stone
all beauty and representational
and i have to deal with the real facts of ants
in the peanut butter and jelly, spoiled milk
and a giant picnic basket to lug
up the trail in the morning on the backs
of the asses we can rent
from that tent over there.

but wouldn't it be nice
to just kind of leave the peanut butter
and jelly to the ants, keep the OFF!tm
away from your skin, maybe back
on the shelf in the sporting goods store just deal
with some primitivism, just agree
look, a few ant bites, a couple of mosquito bites
some deaths from malaria and the whole damn
metaphor begins to fall apart i mean i'd
use OFF!tm to keep those malaria carrying mutherfuckers
from biting me, and i want my amdro in the spring
and fall cuz fire ants can hurt your ass i bet
you ever walk onto a hidden mound
you'd know whut i'm talkin bout
so you know, some times the things that save ya
are toxic, i mean there's good and bad
in everything and if i'm gonna be all
my way or hiway i may as well
join up with falwell and the gang
dontcha think? so wtf

are we gonna do about all that poison
from the nuclear power plants
that's all i want to know. cure that problem
and i got no beefs with the industry.

well, almost none.

well, ok.
i prolly still find something
to bitch about
wouldn't i,


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