Tuesday, November 18, 2008

curse as the first refuge of the unimaginative

she places the cards back on the table
face side down. says pick one. this is you.

the hermit turns up, a time for retreat
she says, you are in need of contemplation.

a nod, recognition on the eye. she fans the deck
a second card is drawn. three of pentacles.
this means a lot of work is needed you are not
ready for romance you have a task. a twitch
on the right cheek, was that a smile or a revelation
of tension

the third card is four of cups. this is the union
you ask of: remember what you want, avoid temptation.
the water is sullied, your emotions are confused.
a furrowed eyebrow lends confirmation.she moves

to turn the fouth card, but is stayed
by the hand of the donor reaching to choose. she
doesn't like the hubris. thinks of black magic
and the heads of chickens. the overturned card

is the chariot. she snickers with a throaty
laugh, lights a cigarette and leans back. will power
she taps the card. yes, you hold this together
with your actions. do you always wish to control
this way? you need to reign in the ego ,perhaps,
with this one. let the canoe find the current.

she reaches for the next card, fingers move
lightly over the spread. she hesitates above one
before moving on, then comes back to it. seven of swords
revealed. a purposeless stroll with handsful of knives.
oh, that one's tired. and lost, she clicks her tongue.
has no goal. confused little lamb. let's see what

might be possible. she turns
the last card. queen of cups see?
teacher, mentor. you have a task to do.
shirk it, it will find you. with a vengeance.


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