Thursday, August 29, 2013

it's like the warts the old man told you to forget

so you did, next time
you look, they're gone.
the smashed thumb will be
the same way.

budha bar, i have a block
on spelling the master's name
correctly, it's iconclasticy written
in my stars. i like the bud ha spelling
precisely cuz that's how i think of him.
as if living, as if
 alive on his mountain drinking rice wine
spodio di, as if metric plays for him
same  as us .. ay up

sitting here in mothra's womb
dissolving in a slow pacific radiator
the gyre/ing plastic sea, sea lion
cancers, dolphins with measles
how they itch
sandbar roll scratching
searching for relief,
 oatmeal bath
mama's fingernails , let's roll em
in the sand and swim them
out to sea on our backs
  they save drowning tourists
we could return the favor

but no. just like all decisions we've made
we only get it right on monday morning,
watching the replay. this is why
 momma shoulda tooken our
nuclear space radiator toys away
as soon we got em.
you know, set off a geyser in texas
tidal wave kennedy center, open a sinkhole
at las alamos, remember the alamo?


thank you for the flip flops
the corona has already worn off
the sole, but seriously
 which do you actually use? 
I kind of like the keyboard.

 On the other hand the pen
 makes the texture feel 
  weightful, a  central gravity
 that pulls the form together and in

.... pen plus
 paper notebook page 
 shorter more controlled form,

 while keyboard 
plus internet
 disorientingly massless, weightless.

good point.



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