Thursday, October 20, 2011

waltzing with the tissue paper ghost

--title: anne sexton

thanks for the call and the bong
im smoking from it now i
miss what we had for that short time
but i'm also afraid of roller coasters so
i think i'll just stay on the ground.

and i spose the best present you can give
me is your continued silence and the money
i think you owe me. it does me better
than any declarations or ridiculous dreams

it seems i finally drove you away
you didn't answer what i had to say
and anyway, that's just today.

lies, it's a  broken harpsicord
that makes me play rhymes that don't match
what i have in my snatch see
there i go again, lettin it in despite the empty
ness i feel then.

another bd without you here and i wonder
if ever dear you thought of how i gave you
all, whenever you were near, i'd fall
and hope that you could catch us both
but you were falling too, so nope.

i should stop this stupid game
but i won't, and it's a shame
that so many do, and don't
believe that all it takes is won't

give up. love's always just a little pup
shaking hungry cold and scared
longing  for a moment's supper
windy blown and almost there.


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