Monday, April 04, 2011

chiron in the house of self healing

all the doors are open
on either side of the toroid
which stretches the length of the night
sky. he mutters to himself, chewing
on his long lustrous tail. which
one shall i chose? i don't know
what i have, but i think i have
them all.

ahh dear chiron, you do, you do.


she beckons from outside
a door just round the curve
up ahead, can you see her?
your twin, your sister, your love.
go on, embrace her. as real as anything
else: an ass, a star, a hand.


thirteen openings between you
the same passage, the same result, becoming
mirror and self.


there was some plan, you think
some overarching equation which placed you
and them in the same time period. if you only hadn't
hidden it from yourself, beeblebrox, you would know
what it is you wanted. what did you want, again?

i want to know
if i'll be reading the same mythologies
in different skins a trillion years from now

and still not getting it.


i jump into your skin
recognise the darts, the aim,
the arrow thru space. why
suspension and movement are your art.

you want to hide your heart.

did it hurt boo boo?
do you understand the power of fire
can you, finally, respect it
enough to let it use you?


she lights the pipe
allows a certain dissolve.
wants to join the outer perspective
feels the teeming bubbles, hither thither
connected by strings/ broken in twos.

if she could jump into your eyes
for a moment. the double exposure
the quest for power, instead of just being.

that is god's disease.   heal thyself. jeeze.


keystrokes take on mysticism
the comet's forerunner, the mane as tail
half beast half man, defecating in the dark
a beautiful light anticipating arrival
the annihilation as she gobbles me up
in her glorious transformation
an integration to the whole thru





i sense a pattern
you have tried many doors
wondering why they do not close
behind you.   there is one or two  you've shut
yourself, but they reopen with attention
intent participation.


ah chiron, my beauty, my love, my teacher, my own.
rest a spell. look into your eyes and tell me
what makes you run? become
a student again, a student of fun.

hah. fun. wtf?

fun has its price, pain in other
paid by brother, bother, sister, lover

these are self as much as thee
chiron, you must learn to plea.

what? why?
just for the rhyme?


she slams the door on the new moon.
notices her lack of penis. wonders which door
 way took that. the doors creep
open again
trying to pinpoint her with telescopes
and openings. fun? fun?

see her run.


more to come.


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