Thursday, August 19, 2010

it's four a m

well, not quite. i think about a song
to cover, some romantic notion
about everlast or missing you, maybe.

but why should i. as she said to me the other nite
well you know, there's lots of love in your life
anyway. which is true. romance is a flower. plucked,
it behaves as such. the cats, o the cats what to do
about them?  and you, so young and lost, a baby
in tow. in two or three where will you be?

the romance of roses. yellow like your hair
when you wanted to live with me forever.

the cat scratches her way out the door
she's evil. i wonder if you could tame her
as you can't tame the wild lost heart of your lover.

there's just not enough love in the world.


sometimes who
you love isn't good
for you

sometimes you don't
love who is good
for you.

isn't that sad?

so why pay homage to such a goddess.


i lost your dual entry journal
for the summer reading. of mice
and men. i forget reading that.
the lesson must have been too hard.

don't worry, though, i'll find it again.
buried somewhere in the skirts and shirts
on the floor. the aching bend to retrieve
the misplacements of a half moon.

i don't need booze to fuck up my life.
it comes ready made. so , you're moving home
sometime soon. when you've had enough
and when the last straw weaves itself into your pack.

i hope we get along better this time.
adults maybe. only room for one baby
in this house.


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