Sunday, August 30, 2009


do you like money? i mean the paperness of it, the color, smell, the way it folds and bends and creases. if money couldn't get you anything , if it existed say like a ruby, on its own physical plane, alone , with no other meaning attatched to it, would you like it as much?

what you prolly like are the things you can acquire with it.

so, money as symbol for wealth, or ease, or dream fulfillment. but what if your dream is true love? i don't think money can help you there. heh, what am i saying? this is 21st century USA. you can buy the semblance of true love, a virtual love if you will. the effect would be the same as if you had a lcd panel mounted into your wall, with hi def recordings of the moon in all its phases, unmarred or effected by the weather, so that you could view this perfect representation of the moon without ever having to go out into the weather.

i can't think of any entity less suited to commodity than love. isn't it odd then that so much of human ritual re this emotion revolves around commerce? i'm not going to place blame here on any particular gender. i think both are guilty of perpetuating this type of symbolic substitute for the real thing.

thus there are rules of engagement and interaction, tokens dispersed and collected, drinks bought or accepted. and in the midst of these rituals, somehow the lcd is supposed to morph into a realistic hologram, then into the very moon itself, shining like the goddess of love on common endeavor, full and silvery and sweet, like falling into a warm endless spring.

friend of mine pointed out that true love is not something you fall into, it's something you make. and that's where my own hope finds its home.


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