Saturday, April 11, 2009


the inroads become outroads
dark mansion on the edge of the bay
gandy to the right, another bridge to the left.
the moon's full and scattering her light
over swift clouds. i want to write a poem
that's as layered as those veils. you know
what i mean. the couple down the beach
dissapear behind the hedges. is it an hour
is it a second? black skin above white,
the tickling grass, a shirt for a blanket.
she slips off her jeans, he lowers his
eyes, the moon is too bright on her face.
behind them a silent house with balcony.
we watch from behind sliding
glass, a play of piston and poison
taste the salt in his mouth
on our fingers. in the trysting light
her arched neck makes a target.
you become the vampire
and i become the teeth settling
into a meal we will never be again.


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