Wednesday, April 30, 2008

do you date a lot?

define "a lot". once a month.
ack~ then yes, a lot. more than a lot.
maybe define date then. coffee or a pair
of chicken legs and a free blues concert
then off to make love without bodies
in the communion of the jam.
i'll take peanut butter with mine,
maybe it'll stick better. sometimes
i have to do them, cuz they're just
there so forgive and forget.

i date when i can actually
she said. found a man, got dumped,
got him back, dumped him, wondering
why i should think love comes wrapped
in aluminum foil like dove chocolates
and the fortunes inside of them.
raspberry delight. a mocha lot of.
i guess i could call the next town over
and see if there's any rumblings in the past life
department. serious hydroeclectic
bombardments and half price
take home pay. let's come into the twenty first
century, let's use polyetheline instead of latex
let's straddle the continents between us
and agree on the international waterways
we'll keep to. i spend my evening
making strokes on the plastic
translating to bits on the screen. well, bytes
piles atop bits, if you want to get literal
on my ass.bytes the way i wanted to be
corn on the cob for your teeth. the soft
sweet pop of kernels into your mouth
dripping butter and lightly salted.
i get sleepy as i type this. look over to my bed
the imprint you left, snuggles and trying

to convince me my love wasn't as good as yours, trying
i say, trying to tell me you know
what love is, but apparently i don't understand
the clean kind of non ghetto neighborhoods'
seams -pressed mornings. if i believe in love
and i think i do
then waiting for you to come back
is not a war, it's just time
wrinkling like my skin and the folds in my brain assuring me
eventually i'll file you missing, forget
you exist, love,except as belief in what
was once and thirty two spins away from once. i'm sad and sadder
mad and madder, we were all mad in those days
and me, most of all.


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