Sunday, March 23, 2008

freshly minted genome

mazzy star on pandora radio
how cool is it to have access
to all your favorite bands
and then get introduced to ones
that sound like them, according to a program.
portishead brings me massive attack, tricky
other grrl voce , sub sounds for the needle.
sweet ways to die.

what i am missing is images beyond
my usual. tired of writing the same damn metaphor.
tho i am marinating a piece called bullet.
it may not need the write tho. things look up
as long as i don't need what i cannot have.
that should be easy after my lifetime of settling.

i like that people are still trying to grapple
with power, glad that they have the strength to keep at it.
i get so tired of seeing the answers are 180degreeds
out of where the road's going. like the health care crisis.
the obvious solution to me is either get the insurance co's
out of it altogether or insist they be non profit. with limits
on executive salary. also they can't be allowed to manage
the course of medical treatment. then, if
they regulated pharm samples and 3 martini lunches and kickbacks...
well, i guess it's not as easy as said. crow said every 20 yrs
there needs to be a revolution. i think he may have been quoting
nietszche. anyway, that's a relevant statement. bring on the viribombs.

wow, this portishead radio is like an old photograph
of when you and i were trying to make something work
between us from our individual hells. remember dido?
i still thank you. live with it. i've had other days
since then, but those were best in that now. which is
then, now. you knew it, and i found out and well, i hope
your stbe is merely the same fantasy maker she was when
we were all friends and lovers on a charm bracelet.
dunno why. you wanna be a methhead, why should that concern me?
those aren't my boys living with a madwoman and no daddy.

spoke 2 my last ex lover, he's so young and learning
he was all like i want to find a new paradigm for relationships
where it's fifty fifty. i was all like excuse the fuck outa me?
that's new?
you trying to tell me you didn't feel it should be that way
with us? n he's like well i was 19 what do you think? i guess
he looks at fifty fifty differently than i do. and i am not
quite sure what that means to me. let's say your lover is
on a string of bad luck or is weaker than you with dealing
with a difficult aspect. then you have to come forward, however
you can, with a hundred percent of what you have
to try to create balance. but really, if they don't give back
100%, to work toward change - if the transformation
becomes a short circuit and drains you open-
then the thing ends. or should. it shouldn't go on for twenty one
fuckin years.

like the way i had to bitch slap
you out of my life.
i can't articulate what it was you did for me
but it was more than sex.

oh wow. dinah washington. is you is or is you aint' my baby.
what a voice. cool brass loop. "i got a man who's always late
any time we have a date. but i love him. yes i love him"

that's how it is with love. you'll do anything for the vessel.

now i've got the madness seed in me. my clothes
huddle in cliques on the bathroom floor whispering
like mean girls by the locker. mountains of ashes
are your eyes, when clean was a byproduct of boredom with demand.
it's easier to sit here and listen to the strains of her voice
on the verge of a war to fight, high and filled with pathos
an angel singing wrongness into reality that wants to hold me
at center of a hydrogen bomb, frozen into myself.

praise for the crowd
stopped clapping. this is a song
where the woman in question
wanted you stunned into silence.
paralysed with the feel of wrong, how right it feels
and how no one
can save her from singing
herself into a file not found.
shut up and just listen just
watch the flame burn out.

i should give myself a time frame since the white
goes on for virtualever. if crow and finchy come to visit
then we go to j n j's. maybe he'll find a jesus in a bird.
tell me stories of exes and excess. find creation on a porch
overlooking a graveyard. that would be such a grand time

sia. breathe me.
that one rocked. the words of a mirror woman
what reflection shall she inherit?


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