Tuesday, February 28, 2012


    glamour now  marketing  ids

online dating  oked in feb   issue, it's  official
 it's not  just for  hookers and hookups anymore.

google  wants to  own you

well, j ust enough  to  sell  your  expendable income
to  prospective marketers. the chrome  cloud.
   isn't  it a  beautiful thing? 

women's  contraception  violates  first ammendment

    on  santorum's bully  pulpit.  contraception is wrong
   because it  invites unsavory practices.  abortion
 is  still  morally  wrong in  red  states   even for rape babies.
his gentle explanation of  these horribly bestowed  gifts, but  god loves ya anyway,  honey
you gotta keep that  life. can he at  least advocate  for  adoption?

adopted  baby turns into man

i just  realised i  will never  know
what happened in your  life  after
you left. it made me  cry. they say  time
heals  everything.  you insisted
there  was no  such thing.

knights  in black satin  plunge into darkout 

film  at eleven.


Monday, February 27, 2012

late nite snacks

i give out my number
a clone multiplexed across
the satellite signal
one of me
two of me, three of me.
i won't tell you
why i don't write now.
i worry what you'll think
but i've always done that.
ok so you showed me some things
that worked for you and a thousand
other people, but i'm uniquely me
with my set of divisors who knows
why my gods are thus? i want to change them
but that's just what they want me to do
so that they can wield submachines
and wash dramamines down with nightly torches.
some of us have a gift of fire.
some, it's mist and ire.
we make them all up, anyway


cougar hunter having fun in the club
watching women. they all want to dance
with the boy in blue's 3 day beard.
42 skiddo, they do. a sleek cat closes her eyes
stumbles into hot pants. accident
or clever innuendo, it nets her
the marksman. she's targeted--first kiss wounded
on the dance floor, he skins her
skirt exposes aqua lace under
his hands, feels her
resistance cave to adrenaline,
whining with tracers,music, liquor
and incendiary cars so hot
she's infrared and it's like when he had to shoot
those kids with guns in iraq
draw a bead, follow up
with a silky stroke make the kill quick
it's not something to be proud of,
it's survival.


i do not understand how you can choose
to do the same hazing exercises to our sons
that you went thru in the great boomer war.
for the most part we play along, consumers on crack
to " keep america strong" and honor our boys
when you must know
that mercenary police's lives aren't worth
a liter of oil. they know it too. burn
the quran in kabal and we shoot your top staff
in the head. interlopers walk razored cliffs
in the land of milky poppies.
this is why when you proudly waved
reganomics in my face and told me
not to argue with you
i ducked grabbed my magarita ran for cover
into the arms of the dance floor. what happens
there stays in vegas, flim at eleven
with the pixelated shot of her lifted
shirt drawing stares of shock and awe.
we all hadda good time.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

feat accomplished

it's not so much that i'm
down to rubble, more
that i'm almost indifferent
to indifference.
pandora's last evil still
haunts , but the electro
static stratosphere doesn't register
any thing resembling full bodied
much less full blooded, on its way
to becoming a fond memory.

bout time i owned one of those
instead of merely being one.

all the women you meet
you say, don't want a for real guy
they're all giddily chosing
their choices for tonite,
then moving to someone new
next week. i wonder
if it's just lack
of attraction but i don't
want to bring you down.
do no harm - a thoughtway
that appears as well as a wish.

unawares i breathe in thousands of souls
and kill them. awares, i change focus
stop speaking to you, in particular,
you'll have to bandage yourself up
with no help, my hands are tied
up with commitments to myself.

gettin, at last, used to it.
a 32 year old scar
memento of the first
lesson in adulthood
after momma died
and daddy went a bit
crazy. no one's gonna take care of you
but yourself snickers the sly smile
cut under the knuckle
a sign, a sign. you always ignored us
so don't whine.

you were in the car with me
but i had to drive myself to the hospital
blood oozing all over the shifter.
i didn't know that's not how love acts.
then again, you hadn't said i love you.

was the sex really that good?

i dunno. what the fuck did i know?


at the kitchen, making chicken, fried
for the second time this week, gramma
watched me teach lili how
to scoop the flour, add spices, stir.
in the 1965 kitchen, i stood on a chair
while gramma made the biscuts
in bowl in the sink with oil, egg and flour.
was it self rising or plain
i don't know. i don't make them.
ours come in the can. gramma pinches the dough
it plops thru the mouth of her thumb and palm
firm and round. a fistful.
she squeezes them in rows, nestled with
just enough cleavage to keep them
pullable, biteable.


do you remember any of the poems
i wrote into your ears? i don't.
i can't even remember what
we spoke of as we lay in bed
each involved in our own machine.
you read to me, i read to you.
some news of the day.
a discussable metaphysical point.

it was a fine model
for the kind of soft love
i'd like to inhabit with you.
but the barriars you carry
are effective as are mine.
as a woman, you wanted to be kept
swept up in jewels and hedonism
with a man's appetites and morals.
welcome to your wishes.


what feat is it
when you stop wanting
the impossible?

Monday, February 20, 2012

hitler of ice cream

iran and israel
it's complicated
reactionary reverbs
catholix wed polictrixters
fuckin with my vodka mixers
oh man i can't be poetic this thing
deserves a rant. no no it deserves
rational societal debate but hate
rules in the land of the fools
called cnn and fox news late
nite edition, hilter's fruition
that's oba san's insurance
compromise they prate and prattle,
sabers rattle, attack and parry
play an apeish chest beating
game, we've all allowed
until now, they want
control of a woman's body for breeding
control of MY body???!!!
you heard me you....you....guy
old man young man feel alright man on a warm
san franscican nite man, yeah i'm
talkin to you, because hey those power men
they don't listen to women. and frankly some
of us are on their side anyway wit dey bennies
and dey jets, wink nod so you know whatever
makes you happy baby until the bod's
worn out from bearing his babes and she's traded in
for this year's blonde. but i digress see
those guys are trying to put their religious morals
on me. if catholics are the only charity hospital in town
if they are the only women's center in town
and they try to stop a woman's insurance coverage
from paying for birth control because of their religious
stricture against it i mean they don't even wanna
utter the words 'the pill' i'm
i'm at a loss for words.no i
listen this
is not the fifth century
this is an ecosystem 7 billion
strong. i can' t even rant
i feel defeated.
i don't know how to make them understand
how none of their business this is
but ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
how would they like it
if we took away their viagra scrips
because it's wasted seed if they're having sex
with their age appropriate wives, n'est-ce pas?


be open hearted
be able to love
let's agree on the definition-
be able to love with no limits
be open minded
be kind be sensual be sexual be musical
be a  man of your  word
and a man of words
let your actions match them
please hold the door please don't
slam it in my face just
to open it again
be honest
be able to accept my honesty
and if it's games you want
let's play by the same rules

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

higgs boson spermatophore

production of good gifts can be costly for males.
"It is known that producing a large gift delays males from re-mating, so males of species with large gifts would be expected to be more choosy. I  could spend up to 104 minutes assessing a female before presenting my gift.said one  male cricket.  a spider laughed and said  his record  was   24 seconds.

st  valentines has come my dear
i  want you to  be  mine
and for the  feast,  a package here
perfumed  and silk , lacking spine

or  meat, really,  found on  the web,
a husk  i've  wrapped  so  pretty 
your precious mouth ,  busily fed
 mutes     kali teeth as i wed

my  sperm  to  your  egg.  empty
diverting, such  meals i  can  provide-
conflagro quick   and   slick simply
confirming   desire's mortal hide.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


the  wind  is strong,  gusty
and  turning cold. tonight
will  be dicey and nice 
to be inside but  the sun is
racing  between the  clouds
blues go fast as  leaves blown
down bayou drive and the blond
curls toss in the breeze. she watches
a  skittery  buggy oak leaf tumble
followed by  a  gaggle of  cousins
she  chases them like  ducks down
the asphalt. the wind ceases
the browned  dry  carcasses skid
to a stop.  she bends over and  looks
carefully  at it,  reaches  her
finger  out  gingerly and touches it
as  a  gust  blows it  over. she jumps
back, fearful,  like she  gets
when the turtles  emerge  from the pond
while we  feed  the ducks,  their  small
heads  poking up from the  water
pulling that hard round  house
behind  them, plodding up to where i hold
a piece of bread  out,  and she hops and  yips
and laughs at  the  strange  creature
that flips over in the  wind, begging  her to
come on, come on  down here look  what
we found  to play with and they whirl within
a dervish on the neighbor's patio
and  she screes, holds   out  her arms
raises her head up  to the  sky and  chases them.

the inept whore

the tree in her front  yard's dying
she flirts with  an arborist for weeks
but in the  end  lets smoke come between them

her house needs  screens, a lock, new  roof
waterproofing but every handyman slips
away  before even a closet  lightbulb's changed.

mechanics peer under  her hood
without  offering  advice, she  breaks
down on  the interstate truckers pass her by.

poets  want  to do  the singing
  musicians won't let her play
  she's  for hire   but  no one  pays.

8 swords of binding

palmetto rose,  sword hidden in a cross
these are things that  might be  tossed
like names upon the vacant  streets
where winter  rain  comes in  for  keeps.

under the awning he's  hungry  and wet
works a  frond into  a  bet
that  he  can  tease a buck  or two
for  food  or  drink from  someone who

strolls by  with  a lady on  his  arm
trying  to impress and charm
her  with his generosity perhaps
or lack of animosity. in fact

any rationale  will do.  art  works
these streets in desperation,  quirks
and  kinks the inspiration,  hunger
too  lurks under  balconies,   sunders

sense from reason.  artistry  a meal  unfilling,
he makes the  rose  do  all the  killing 
 the  sword disguised as  cross is willing
sacrifice for  love's small shilling.

Friday, February 10, 2012

megalow man

let's talk about anything but
valentines day. you know
i'm going to jail on the  13th, i
give  up.  do you think
if i hold, say, a stripped
computer power  cord while
standing  in a puddle i'd get the  entire
one twenty at max  amps pretty quickly or
maybe what'll happen is that's when
the universe  decides to embody  itself
in me and  synthesize  a new kind of  hero
and  i'll  get
  metakineticquantumechanical super powers
to  take my  revenge it'll be  like
people  talk and i'll  turn their words
into glorious colors flowering  out  of their  mouths
and engulfing them with the  most
wonderful fragrances i fill them  with
incredible  beauty and  joy and then i 
take it away.

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

valentine moon

sure, it's cracked
posting itself across the  night sky
photoshopped v and  a  bum's curve
oh  diana how your booty calls.

way past delivery  date,  the chemicals
arrive postage  paid.  let's  just pump
them into the corpse and  hope for the best.
aim your camera close  to the roses

next week will be time  enough  to carry
the lost taboos into  the  mouth of  the cave
for  now, let's break them  all  out,   examine 
   in  nano bright    refractive recursive aluding to  light.